Code of Ethics

The organization has a clearly stated mission and purpose, approved by the Board of Directors, in pursuit of the public good. All of its ventures support that mission and all who work for or on behalf of the organization understand and are loyal to that mission and purpose. The mission is responsive to the needs of the community and the needs of organizations to whom Alliance for Nonprofit Resources provides services. Alliance for Nonprofit Resources believes the continued success of the organization depends upon maintaining these high standards of performance, professionalism, and ethical conduct.


A personal commitment to integrity in all circumstances benefits each individual as well as the organization. 

Alliance for Nonprofit Resources employees and volunteers:

  • Respect and seek out the truth to avoid misrepresentation; 

  • Ensure fairness and objectivity in all activities;

  • Set an example for high standards of professionalism;

  • Honor the right of privacy of all people, including consumers, co-workers, and volunteers; and

  • Promote public confidence in nonprofit institutions. 


As an employer, Alliance for Nonprofit Resources promotes professional excellence and encourages open and honest communication among all employees to create an atmosphere conducive to personal growth and career development.

Alliance for Nonprofit Resources Management:

  • Encourages employee development and communicates with staff to help them achieve their career goals;

  • Evaluates employees on a fair and consistent basis so that all employees know what is expected and how they are progressing toward fulfilling expectations;

  • Shows respect and empathy for employees and is considerate while being mindful of managerial responsibilities; and

  • Regularly solicits and respects the opinions of subordinates. 


  • Strive to meet performance standards at the highest level; 

  • Refuse to engage in or tolerate any fraud, misuse, abuse, or waste of the agency’s resources; 

  • Encourage growth and self-improvement in themselves and co-workers; 

  • Exhibit respect for co-workers and all those with whom they come in contact; 

  • Have the courage to face situations squarely and offer a minority opinion when necessary; 

  • Examine all alternatives with the understanding that the easiest action is not always in the best interest of the organization; 

  • Comply with all legal requirements concerning mental health and substance abuse;

  • Comply with all other laws and regulations affecting the agency and their own personal obligations; 

  • Discuss any questions concerning interpretations or compliance with the Code of Ethics with their immediate supervisor or a member of management; and

  • Encourage the reporting of breaches of the Code of Ethics policy and protect those who report. 


The continued success of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources is dependent on public trust earned through ethical, honest, fair, and responsible service to its consumers, external providers, volunteers, and the entire community. Alliance for Nonprofit Resources must demonstrate the highest standards of performance and professionalism. It will: 

  • Provide comprehensive and timely information to the public, the media, and all stakeholders; 

  • Respond in a timely manner to reasonable requests for information;

  • Ensure that all information about Alliance for Nonprofit Resources will fully and honestly reflect the policies and practices of the agency;

  • Ensure that all spending practices and policies are fair, reasonable, and appropriate to fulfill the mission of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources; 

  • Provide financial reports that are factually accurate and complete in all material respects;

  • Spend an adequate amount on administrative expenses to ensure effective accounting systems, internal controls, and competent staff to manage its funds responsibly and prudently;

  • Comply with all laws, regulations, and policies established for nonprofits; and 

  • Demonstrate sound financial and administrative management practices through auditors’ reports and other valid documentation. 


Vendors in the service area are treated fairly to avoid favoritism or the appearance of impropriety. Alliance for Nonprofit Resources: 

  • Affords all vendors in the service area the opportunity to offer or qualify their products or services on a competitive basis; and

  • Conducts all competitive bidding in a fair and professional manner, giving no special preferences or advantages to any vendor.


Alliance for Nonprofit Resources is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the principle of diversity. Employees and volunteers: 

  • Value, champion, and embrace diversity as an integral part of their business; 

  • Respect co-workers and other individuals without regard to race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, national origin or ancestry, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or status as a qualified disabled individual; 

  • Support equal opportunity programs; 

  • Refuse to engage in or tolerate in others any form of sexual harassment as prohibited according to the Sexual Harassment policy as communicated in the Human Resources Policies and Procedures; and

  • Strive to create an environment conducive to professionalism. 


No employee nor volunteers should accept any form of gratuity for doing his/her job; therefore, employees and volunteers: 

  • Do not solicit or accept gratuities, gifts, or favors (other than promotional gifts of nominal value) for themselves or their family; 

  • Do not accept food, transportation, lodging, or entertainment unless directly related to Alliance for Nonprofit Resources business; and

  • Do not use agency resources for personal gain. 


To avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest which would tarnish the image of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources and undermine the public’s trust, and Alliance for Nonprofit Resources employee, volunteer, and Board members will: 

  • Avoid any activity or outside interest which conflicts, or appears to conflict, with the best interest of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources, including involvement with a current or potential consumer, external provider, or vendor unless disclosed to the individual’s immediate supervisor; and

  • Refrain from participating in or influencing any decision or other action of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources that could result in a direct or indirect benefit to his/her family or any organization with which an employee, volunteer, or Board member is substantially affiliated. 


Confidentiality is a hallmark of professionalism. Alliance for Nonprofit Resources employees, volunteers, and representatives shall: 

  • Ensure that all information which is considered confidential or privileged or which is not publicly available is not disclosed inappropriately; and

  • Ensure that all non-public information acquired by Alliance for Nonprofit Resources personnel in dealing with outside organizations or any information acquired on behalf of Alliance for Nonprofit Resources is treated as confidential and not disclosed. 


Alliance for Nonprofit Resources employees, volunteers, and representatives are encouraged to disclose any perceived breaches of the Code of Ethics of which they are aware. Disclosures should be made to a supervisor or a member of management. Disclosures can also be made anonymously by calling the agency Compliance Hotline at 724-431-0082 or in writing and sent directly to the Compliance Officer. Any reported breaches will be investigated and appropriate action, if needed, will be taken. Confidentiality will be maintained for the individual disclosing the breach unless the matter raises serious legal implications.

Alliance for Nonprofit Resources management will not take any adverse action against employees solely for disclosing perceived breaches of the Code of Ethics. Alliance for Nonprofit Resources encourages all employees and volunteers to be prompt, open, and forthright in reporting perceived breaches of the Code of Ethics according to the agency’s Corporate Compliance Plan.